Wall Traveling Jib Cranes
Primarily used for long lateral movement under an overhead crane, the BossBuyer Wall Traveling Jib Cranes provide lift under a large overhead crane without interfering with the overhead crane. This enables workers to continue lifting material without waiting for a larger overhead crane to become available. BossBuyer Wall Traveling Jib Crane end trucks use channel beam/construction frames to resist twisting and are jig-fixtured and machined to maintain consistent manufacturing tolerances. The top running end truck on a wall traveling jib crane utilizes forged steel double flange crane wheels for long life. The BossBuyer Wall Traveling jib crane drive utilizes a squirrel cage motor with a double reduction spur gear reducer. Standard single speed controls include mainline contactor, control transformer, inverter acceleration control, and fuses in NEMA 3R, 4, 12 control enclosures. The wall traveling jib crane boom is fabricated from standard "S" beam with a vertical angle truss to reduce deflection. The jib crane boom and truss bolt to the back frame for ease of erection and assembly. IMPORTANT NOTE: Wall traveling jib cranes exert severe forces on a building structure. Jib Cranes should not be supported from any existing building structure without first consulting a qualified architect or engineer for the purpose of determining if the structure is adequate. Severe bodily injury and property damage can result if this procedure is not followed. This equipment is not, in any way, designed for the lifting, supporting, or transporting humans. Failure to follow the specified load and mounting limitations can result in serious bodily injury and/or property damage.
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