Overhead Crane Inspection
Overhead Crane Pre-shift inspections do not have to be lengthy. You are basically looking for obvious things that might be wrong with the crane.
Overhead Crane Monthly or yearly inspections, of course, should be the thorough and performed by a competent individual.
Overhead Crane Inspection includes:
1. Loose Fasteners Inspection
- Check all fasteners for loose, stretched, missing, or broken fasteners.
- A good clue is checking for cracked paint around the fastener that shows there has been movement.
- Sometimes a build up of dirt or grease can do the same thing.
- Using a torque wrench to check for tightness does not always work. Corrosion could give you a false reading.
- Replace a loose or stretched bolt rather than tighten it. It probably has been damaged.
- Be sure to replace the bolt with a grade 8 or beter.
- If there are bolts near by that show signs of looseness, then replace them all.
2. Cracked Welds Inspection
- Check cracks in the structure and in all welds.
- A crack in a weld will always start on the end and work itself along the entire weld until it fails completely.
- Many times a crack in the paint will be a clue to a weld that is failing.
- If caught early, the crack many times can be ground out and re-weld.
- Before welding on any part of the crane, make sure you have a certified welder and if it is on a structural part of the crane you should get the manufactures procedure.
- Also, try to determine why it cracked in the first place. Is the crane being overloaded or used improperly.
3 .Climbing up a and checking the bridge system is normally not part of the daily inspection. Many of these components can be inspected from the ground as the crane is being operated. If something seems wrong, then a closer look would be warranted.
4. Crane System Componants Check
5. Bridge Truck Drive Componants Check
6. Wheel Alignment For Bridge Cranes Check
Relative FAQ
- Safe Crane Operations
- Overhead Travelling Cranes
- Introduction of overhead crane operator
- Crane Overloads and Crane Test Loads
- Overhead Crane Inspection, Inspecting Overhead Crane, Overhead Crane Check
- Overhead Crane, Bridge Crane, Overhead Rotary Crane Introduction
- Self Propelled Cranes
- Double Girder Overhead Traveling Cranes
- Crane Component
- Electric Overhead Travelling Crane (EOT Crane) Parts

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